Tic Tac Toe with AI (MinMax and alpha-beta pruning)
This is a simple tic-tac-toe application with AI using minmax algorithm along with alpha-beta pruning. The game is made in python using pygame. The first step t...
This is a simple tic-tac-toe application with AI using minmax algorithm along with alpha-beta pruning. The game is made in python using pygame. The first step t...
This is the final version of the snake game. I have implemented a* algorithm in the intelligent snake (it is much clever than the previous ones). There are thre...
I have updated the last snake game and made it multiplayer. You can choose any number of players – either human or computer. The computer just chooses the...
This is a small snake game that i created just for fun. The source code is 4 kb in size and the snake game is very simple. You just try to eat the food while pr...