The Monty Hall Problem

The monty hall problem is a popular math probability puzzle. The game consist of three closed doors, two of which contain goat inside them and one contains a car (or anything precious). You are given a chance to select one of the three doors. After you make your selection, the host opens one of the doors from the two remaining doors and shows you a goat in that door. After this, should you change your selection?

It can seem a useless act to switch the door because it looks like 50/50 change of having car in any of the two doors. But actually, if you switch the door, your chance of winning the car increases to 66% while if you don’t switch the door, it will remain 33%. It can be clear from the image below.

The player has an equal chance of initially selecting the car, Goat A, or Goat B. Switching results in a win 2/3 of the time.
The player has an equal chance of initially selecting the car, Goat A, or Goat B. Switching results in a win 2/3 of the time.

This small python program simulates the monty hall problem. The greater number of times you play, the closer your success percentage will reach to 66.66%.

from random import randrange

print "Monty Hall Simulator"
simnum = int(input("How many simulations to run?"))

changepoint = 0
nochangepoint = 0

for j in range(0, simnum):
    # generate a random number (1 to 3)
    a = randrange(1, 4)
    # choose a door
    choice = randrange(1, 4)
    # choose a door to show
    showdoor = randrange(1, 4)
    # the door we show must not be the door the player selected
    # or the door that contains the prize
    while showdoor == choice or showdoor == a:
        showdoor = randrange(1, 4)

    # second choice represent that the player chose another door
    secondchoice = 1
    while secondchoice == choice or secondchoice == showdoor:
        secondchoice = randrange(1, 4)
    # if the first choice was the winning door, add to nochangepoint. Else,
    # add to changepoint
    if a == choice:
        nochangepoint += 1
        changepoint += 1
print "In total ", simnum, " games, the player will win ", changepoint, " rounds if he switches the door. Else, he wins ", nochangepoint, " rounds"
print "In percentage, win rate is ", ((changepoint / (simnum*1.0)) * 100), " % for switching and ", ((nochangepoint / (simnum*1.0))*100), " % for not switching"
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